SAP Acronym of terms and abbreviation that are commonly used in the SAP system. The following SAP acronym guides to know all terms and abbreviations.

SAP Acronym

Acronym        Full Forms
SAP –Systems Applications and Products in data processing
ERP –Enterprise Resource Planning
ECC –Enterprise Central Components
AA –Asset Accounting
ABAP –Advanced Business Application and Programming
AP –Accounts Payable
AR –Accounts Receivable
AUC –Asset Under Construction
BI –Business Intelligence
BRS –Bank Reconciliation Statement
BW –Business Warehouse
CCA –Cost Center Accounting
CM –Cash Management
CO –Controlling
COA –Chart Of Accounts
CRM –Customer Relation Management
CWIP –Capital Work In Progress
ERM –Employee Relationship Management
FG –Finished Goods
FI –Financial Accounting
FICO –Financials and Controlling
FSCM –Financial Supply Chain Management
GL –General Ledger
GR –Goods Receipt
GUI –Graphical User Interface
HCM –Human Capital Management
HR –Human Resources
IM –Investment Management
IO –Internal Order
IR –Invoice Receipt
IS –Industry Solutions
JCO –SAP Java Connector
LSMW –Legacy System Migration Workbench
MM –Material Management
MRP –Material Requirement Planning
MRP –Materials Requirement Planning
OM –Organizational Management
PA –Personnel Administration
PA –Profitability Analysis
PC –Product Costing
PCA –Profit Center Accounting
PGI –Post Goods Issue
PLM –Product Life-cycle Management
PM –Plant Maintenance
PO –Purchase Order
PP –Production Planning
PS Acronym
Project Systems
QM –Quality Management
RFQ –Request For Quotation
RIT –Remittance In Transit
SCM –Supply Chain Management
SD –Sales and Distribution
SFG –Semi-Finished Goods
SOA –Service Oriented Architecture
SOAP –Simple Object Access Protocol
SRM –Supplier Relationship Management
STOP –Stock Transfer Purchase Order
Tcode –Transaction Code
TR Acronym
UDDI –Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
WF –Work Flow
WM –Warehouse Management
WSDL –Web Services Description Language