Split Valuation in SAP configuration steps

The tutorial guides you on how to configure split valuation in SAP MM step by step with screenshots.

Step 1:- Define Global Valuation Types

  • IMG Menu Path :- SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Material Management > Valuation and Account Assignment > SplitValuation > Configure split valuation
  • T Code:- OMWC

Enter Transaction code OMWC in the SAP command field and press enter.

Select cancel 

Valuation area - Split Valuation in SAP

On the next screen, select “Global Types.” 

global types - Split Valuation in SAP

Select “Create” and update the mandatory fields

global valuation types - Split Valuation in SAP

Create valuation type screen: – update the following fields

Valuation type:- Give the key to identifying the valuation type.


Ext. purchase orders:-  select external PO allowed or not. Where the possible entries are
0- No external purchase orders allowed,

1- External purchase orders allowed, but warning issue allowed,

2- External purchase orders allowed.

Int. purchase orders:- Select internal PO allowed or not; possible entries are

0- No Internal purchase orders allowed,

1- Internal purchase orders allowed, but warning issues allowed,

Acct cat. reference:– Account reference is a mandatory field. Select the drop-down button and select the appropriate key

Create valuation type

Select Create icon, and you get a message as “Valuation Type RMM01 was/were created. Save icon to save the configured data.

Successfully configured the split valuations.

Step 2:- Define “Global Valuation Categories”

Select the back button two times and select global categories

global valuation categories


Maintain the field entries as described below

Valuation Category:- Enter the valuation category key


Description:– Update the description of the valuation category key.

Default:ext.procure.: Default external procurement 

Ext.procurement mand:– If this check box is selected, the valuation type can not be changed at the PO level.

Val. type automatic:- This check box is used for split valuation and batch management

create valuation category

Select Create icon, and you get a message as “Valtn category A was/were created. Select the save icon to save the configured data.

Step 3:- Assign Valuation type to valuation categories

Go to Global valuation category and select types category

types categories

Select required valuations type and click on Activate button 

valuation category

The message will be displayed as “Valuation type AD06 activated.