A supply chain unit is used to map the business roles of an organization unit. The supply chain unit must be assigned to an embedded EWM warehouse. If the supply chain unit is not assigned, you will get an error message as the warehouse number is not assigned to a supply chain unit.


  • One supply chain unit can be assigned to one embedded EWM warehouse.
  • It is an important configuration assignment setting. Without these assignment settings, the system won’t allow performing the activities of delivery settings, goods movement, etc.
  • If business attributes are not assigned to the supply chain unit, you will get an error message as “Supply chain unit does not have the business attribute “Warehouse

How to assign Supply Chain to Embedded EWM Warehouse

The integration between the Supply chain unit and embedded EWM warehouse can be established through this assignment. You can assign a supply chain unit to the warehouse by using the following configuration steps

  • Menu Path: SAP Menu > Logistics > SCM Extended Warehouse Management > Extended Warehouse Management > Settings > Assignments: Warehouse Numbers/Business Partners
  • Transaction code: /SCWM/LGNBP

Step 1: Follow the SAP Menu Path and execute “Assignment Warehouse Numbers/Business Partners

Assignments Warehouse Numbers Business Partners SAP path

Step 2: To determine the work area screen, enter the embedded EWM warehouse key and press enter to continue

Determine work area entry embedded ewm warehouse

Step 3: On the change view “Assignment: Warehouse Number/Business Partners” overview screen, click on new entries to assign the supply chain unit.

Assignment Warehouse Number Business Partners overview screen in SAP EWM

Step 4: On new entries of Assignment of Warehouse, update the following details

Supply Chain Unit: Update the supply chain unit for assign to EWM embedded warehouse and other required details

Assignment of Supply Chain unit SW01 to Warehouse No EEWM

Assignment Warehouse Number Business Partner in SAP Hana EWM

Assignment of supply chain unit SW02 to Warehouse EEWM

Assign Supply Chain Unit to Embedded EWM Warehouse SAP

After the assignment of the Supply chain unit and relevant business partners to the Embedded EWM warehouse, click on the save button and save the details.