SAP FIORI Transaction Codes

SAP FIORI Transaction Codes – Complete List of Important SAP S4 Hana FIORI Transactions (T-Codes) that are used for Implementation and Development of FIORI, SAP Fiori Configuration, etc

SAP Transaction CodeDescription
/n/UI2/FLPSAP FIORI Launchpad
SICFActivate Services
PFCGAssign Roles
LPD_CUSTCreate LaunchPad
/n/UI2/CACHERegistration of Cache Support for Service
/n/UI2/CACHE_DELDelete Cache
/n/UI2/CHIPCreate CHIP
/n/UI2/CUSTUI Technology Implementation Guide
/n/UI2/FLIAFiori Launchpad Intent Analysis
/n/UI2/FLCFiori Launchpad Checks
/n/UI2/GW_ACTIVATEActivate SAP Gateway
/n/UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUSTNWBC Configuration Maintenance {Customers}
/n/UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAPDisplay NWBC Configuration {SAP}
/n/UI2/NAVDefine Semantic Object
/n/UI2/SEMOBJDefine Semantic Objects – Customers
/n/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAPDefine Semantic Objects  – SAP
/n/UI2/PERS_DELDelete Personalization Containers
/n/UI2/FLP_INTENTCHECKFiori Launchpad Intent Analysis
/n/UI2/GW_APPS_LOGSAP Gateway Application Log Viewer
/n/UI2/GW_MAINT_SRVActivate and Maintain Services
/n/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIASGateway to Manage SAP System Alias
/n/UI2/POWLRegister POWL for OData Consumption
/n/UI5/THEME_DESIGNERUI Theme Designer
/n/UI5/THEME_TOOLTool for customer Theme Maintenance

Also refer complete list of important SAP Transaction Codes as per module wise.